All of us have impacted by the Covid-19 Pandemic and we hope you are doing well.

Many people who are overdue for their cleaning or have delayed treatment due to the current pandemic. We wanted to let you know about a few measures we have implemented based on CDC and ADA recommendations.

  • If you have had a cough or fever in the past 14 days or cohabitate with someone diagnosed or has potential Covid-19 symptoms, please cancel your appointment. If none, keep the appointment.
  • All people entering the office need to wear a facemask.
  • To comply with social distancing, patients will call from the parking lot and will be informed then they can come in and go directly to their treatment room.
  • Employees are administered a daily health assessment and will not come to work if they are showing symptoms or live with a person with symptoms.
  • The employees have a face-shield to wear in addition to their mask. Masks are worn at all times.
  • A patient’s temperature is taken before the start of an appointment and one must use a mouth wash to reduce germ transmission.
  • The front desk counter and pens are disinfected after each use.
  • The bathroom is disinfected twice a day.
  • Rooms have always been disinfected after each use.
  • Instruments have always been sterilized after each use.
  • Hand sanitizer has always and will continue to be readily available at the front desk and in each room.
  • HEPA filter units have been added to each treatment room.

Call 619-295-3128 or email to reserve your time to shine your smile!